Central Library
The Central Library is located in the heart of Mount Vernon. With more than half a million visitors each year, the state-of-the-art renovations to the Central Library complement Pratt's significant print collection with the latest technologies, welcoming a vibrant future while preserving a cherished historic landmark.
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About this Place
400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
https://www.prattlibrary.org/locations/centralThe Central Library is located in the heart of Mount Vernon. With more than half a million visitors each year, the state-of-the-art renovations to the Central Library complement Pratt's significant print collection with the latest technologies, welcoming a vibrant future while preserving a cherished historic landmark.
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- diahnlallen@gmail.com
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- Elaine Baxter
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- m
- m.l.ghee
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- MrMountainbike1
- Ms. T P
- Mya K
- najma nuriddin
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- nick sheridan
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- Playgroup day
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- Paul Chasen
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- peaches Towannas
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- ref togel
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- sgilbert
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- Shawn
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- SheShe is a blessed
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- Shell Shell Hartley-Scott
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- shwiggs@verizon.net
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- Stephanie Dairsow
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- decorative window detail above the front entrance of the Central Library, as seen from the 2nd floor laptop Lounge
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Upcoming Events (6)
Free Tax Preparation
Mon, Feb 10, 2025
Central Library, Business, Science, and Technology Department
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
The Civic Pride of the Baltimore Salt Box
Mon, Feb 10, 2025
Age Group: Kids Welcome, Teens, Adults, Seniors
Valentines Mix Tape
Mon, Feb 10, 2025 10am to 12pm
Central Library, Computer Training Center
Age Group: Teens, Adults
0Project ENCORE ReCOUP Business Accelerator Spring Cohort
Mon, Feb 10, 2025 4pm to 5:30pm
Age Group: Adults
FreeTeen Photography Club
Mon, Feb 10, 2025 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Central Library, Teen Creation Station
Age Group: Teens
Recent Events
Free Tax Preparation
Sun, Feb 9, 2025
Central Library, Business, Science, and Technology Department
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
A Case for the Graphic Black Life: How the Black Comics Tradition Speaks to American Life
Sat, Feb 8, 2025 2pm to 3pm
Central Library, Wheeler Auditorium
Age Group: Teens, Adults, Seniors
Free Weekly Public Tours of the Library
Sat, Feb 8, 2025 2pm to 3pm
Age Group: Kids, Kids Welcome, Teens, Adults, Seniors
Family Storytime
Sat, Feb 8, 2025 11am
Central Library, Children's Department
Age Group: Kids, Ages 3-5
Grantwriting 101
Sat, Feb 8, 2025 11am
Central Library, Business, Science, and Technology Department
Age Group: Adults
Recent Activity
It was great!
1. You promoted this saying Wes Moore would be speaking about his new book. Instead, you presented a panel of ten people (though Heidi Daniel left after her introduction). There was no information as to who these people were and why there were participating.
2. There was no agenda so participants had no idea what would occur. Consequently, instead of a one-hour event, it lasted more than 90 minutes and there was no time for Q & A with the attending audience. If you’re not going to have a Q & A, why was it promoted and why was there a link for it?
3. Since the topic was not what was promoted (Wes Moore), attendees had to figure out on their own what each person was going to discuss. We didn’t know what was happening.
4. You assumed the audience would know the people on the panel. With all these different voices, it would have been nice for each one to introduce him- or her-self and explain why there were there and how they were involved with Moore and his book. Then each could speak to a single topic. The only time this happened was at the end when they were requested to present “one big idea” to wrap up the event. Of course, one person decided that the rules did not apply to him, so he had a lot more than one idea (five or six to be exact) and would have kept going for another hour.
5. If Wes Moore spoke for a total of ten minutes, I’d be surprised. I wanted to hear from him. That’s why I signed up. That’s what you promoted. That was the draw. And why wasn’t he the first speaker after Daniel to provide an overview or context?
In other words, I was disappointed. Although I am not sorry I attended, part of the time I was searching online to find out who these people were and toggling back and forth with the presentation, so I missed content.
Just because these events are presented online, you cannot ignore what makes a good presentation or event. I’ve attended several events in the past, some with packed audiences, some with relatively few people, but the topic/subject was always clearly defined and I knew what to expect.
And that’s the last point: audience expectations. Given the list above, my expectations were not met – at all. I love the Enoch Pratt Library, but I didn’t on Sunday.
I really loved this presentation. I grew up in Baltimore but now live on the west coast. It was wonderful to hear about Wes Moore's new book and to catch up on what is happening in terms of racial justice work.
Thoughtful dialogue. Focus was looking forward. Having leadership with a vision of what communities should look like. Being a listener first and then implementing.
I thought it went well; there were too many panelists and I would have liked to hear more from Wes Moore
Loved it. Each of the presenters added value to the conversation. Mr. Moore's input was profound and totally on point.
It was awesome - I learned a lot! Now, what's next? How I can help? I love teaching and mentoring the next generation (and I believe I can gather others) - just need a platform/forum to teach and share and learn from each other. Let's do...
This was an enlightening conversation, and a lot of information was shared (some of which I no knowledge of). This is my first virtual experience with the library and looking forward to others. I am planning to read Mr. Moores’ book. Will this presentation be able to view later?
Lively and well facilitated. Thank you.
Personally it was a bit boring, but helpful. But take these words with a grain of salt because they are coming from a teen.