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Welcome to the 2nd annual Teen Summer Camps @ the Pratt! 

Design a road map to your future in this 7-week program that meets 3 days each week! Explore different careers by hearing from professionals working in the field. Learn job and life skills while building up your professional and creative portfolios!

The sessions for each week are held on Mondays, 1pm-4pm (Job/Life skills); Wednesdays, 1pm-4pm (Career Exploration: Professional speakers and workshops); Saturdays, 1pm-4pm (Living Your Best Life: Creative workshops focused on the arts, social wellness, and mental health). The camps will be In-person and/or Online. Everyone has the option to stay online.

Each week's sessions are related to the career focus of that week, and include hearing from professionals in the fields, STEAM workshops, life skills workshops (personal finance, time management, dress for success, etc), professional skills (interviewing, resumes/cover letters, etc.), and more! 

Teens will sign up for at least 4 of the 6 weeks. The final (7th) week is automatically included in registration (attend 5 weeks total). Participants who complete at least the 5 weeks will receive a cash incentive at the end. Feel free  to sign up for all weeks!

All attendees will receive giveaways, supplies needed to participate! 

The camps will be In-person and/or Online. Attendees coming in-person will be at the Central Library, 400 Cathedral St., Teen Center (2nd floor). Everyone (speakers and attendees) will have the option to stay virtual.

With special thanks to funding from the Baltimore Summer Fund Collaborative, and the Earl Family. 

 For Baltimore city teens age 12-18.


Week 1 (June 21 - June 26) - Build Your Future (architecture & interior design)

Week 2 (June 28 - July 3) - Dress Your Future (fashion & textiles industries)

Week 3 (July 5 - July 10) -  Brand Your Future (Visual communications including graphic design, photography, game design, film)

Week 4 (July 12 - July 17) - Play Your Future (Music, songwriting, recording)

Week 5 (July 19 - July 24) - Cook Your Future (Food! Growing, cooking, etc.)

Week 6 (July 26 - July 31) - Heal Your Future (Medical fields)

Week 7 (August 2 - August 7) - Present Your Future! This final week is automatically included in the registration, so participants should plan to attend. Teens will finish up their project portfolios, attend some final workshops, and have the option to present their work at the showcase event on Saturday (online)!

For further questions and info, contact the Teen Center at:

Link info will be sent upon registration.