Poetry Online Discussion of Poems by Asian Americans
Saturday, May 8, 2021 11am to 12:30pm
About this Event
In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, join us for a discussion of poems by Asian Americans chosen by our librarians.
We hope to discuss some of the following poems:
"The Wolf's Postscript to 'Little Red Riding Hood'" by Agha Shahid Ali
"Stationery" by Agha Shahid Ali
"Question Time" by Meena Alexander
“Elegy” by Rick Barot
“The Wooden Overcoat” by Rick Barot
“I’m not a religious person but” by Chen Chen
“Operation Punctum” by Don Mee Choi
“The End of a Nation” by Don Mee Choi (plus supplementary material)
“Persimmons” by Li-Young Lee
“Eating Together” by Li-Young Lee
“Why Some Girls Love Horses” by Paisley Rekdal
“Elegy" by Vijay Seshadri
“Kissing in Vietnamese” by Ocean Vuong
"Aubade with Burning City" by Ocean Vuong
Please feel free to come even if you have not read these poems.
Find more Asian American poets via the Poetry Foundation.
Email poetry@prattlibrary.org with questions about this event.
Event Details
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Passcode: 657593
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