About this Event
Virtual Event
Online Class Sessions - Email registration required. Develop mouse skills and become acquainted with basic computer functions. Learn the functions and use of the computer mouse and keyboard. Click a date below to register: Mondays, 10:00am - 11:00am.
July 6| July 13| July 20|July 27|Aug 3|Aug 10|
Tuesdays, 10:00am - 11:00am.
July 7| July 14| July 21|July 28| Aug 4
Customers can call the registration number (443-984-4944) and leave a message or email PCTT at computer.class@prattlibrary.org.
(Access information provided upon receipt of registration).
Call the computer class registration number (443-984-4494), for questions and help creating a Gmail account. Email: computer.class@prattlibrary.org